Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Memories!

Gramps , I Gramps, II (perhaps this is where I get my sillyside!}

DH, aka "dad" to Chris and Dan! Happy Father's Day!!!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

4 more days to sign up!!!!!

My garden painting and...of course some snails(wind up)!
Drawing sunday, the 15th!

Summer is here!!!

My art for a RR theme of Games!
Image from "Laughing Elephant"!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blogaverarsy gift!!!!!

Cathy's party flowers!
My chance to say thank you to all the visitors you have come by my blog and shared my "crazy mixed-up" art. It has been such fun for me to pass on litle bits of my special memories, my art and projects .

The framed picture, "Little Nettie Eddicoat" will be going to the person who's name will be drawn on june 15th, the year anniversary of my blog!

Please enter your name to the comments HERE and I will put your name in a hat. Please make sure I am able to email you if I need your address. I still have 1 gift giveaway for the winner that I never could reach and I really tried to find her! So, email me if you are not sure I have your info. THANKS!

You can view the framed art in my june 7th post.

Hope you play!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Special Party Today!

This is a photo taken in 2006 in Los Angeles, CA. I went down with my friend Cathy to participate in "Run For Her". A walk to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research. Cathy and I were "walkers" (she was going through treatment for ovarian cancer). We walked 2 1/2 miles, then turned around to go back and reach our 5 mile goal. It was about 9:30 am and we happened to go by the farmers market. I said, "I know a place in there that has the BEST swedish pancakes!" So......we stopped off for breakfast. While we didn't set any speed records for the 5 miles, we had a really good time!
Sadly, cathy died last august after her 2 year plus battle with cancer.
Today the family is having a party for her. It is a glorious sunshine day and I am looking foreward to this special occasion! left to right--jacqui, me, CATHY, and marsha