Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beginning my illustration!

I found this charming pencil illustration in a book called "Childhood", byJ.H.Dowd(1936) It was a book I inherited from my mom. I made a transparency of the drawing. This image would be the one to use for "A Perfect Day". I am using a an 11"x 14"board. So far I have put in some of the sky with clouds and working my way down. Here it is so far. I wonder how much it will change..that's the fun part!


I got an email the other day that asked you to find out what the most popular song was on your birth date. I discovered mine was "swingin on a star", by bing crosby!
What fun! So I started thinkin and came up with the following little poem

The Perfect Day!
Skipping in the sunshine
and bouncing on the clouds.
Running with the wind
then dancing in the rain.
Hiding from the thunder
and jumping over rainbows.
Swinging on the stars
then dreaming on the moon.

Now, I am going to do an illustration to go along with the poem.
I'll be back!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Project Runway!

The winner is ......
Aunt Mary!
Carry on!!!