Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here, I made something for you

Altered peggy!
The first three-count-em-three-3 people that respond to this post will get something made by me, it will be my choice, but made especially for you!However, this offer does have some restrictions and limitations (known at the 'fine print.")***What I create will be just for you.***You will receive this item before the end of the year, or sooner.***You will have no idea what the item is going to be or when you will receive it.***The catch is that you have to respost this memo and put something together to be sent out as 3 surprises of your own!What a fun way to share our work and get to see others up close and personal!

I took this post from tristan's blog! It sounded like fun!

Playing with Divasdeste images(again)!

Mini quiltie(4x8)
5x7 collage
Her First Adventure!

Paperwhimsy mask and fan project!

We were asked to creat a fan from a pattern provided using a silver knife as the holder. Then create a mask to go with the fan!

Mad (hatter ) Tea Party!

My oragami hat for party!
"In my dreams " hat I would wear!

See link below for details!!! March 7th

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring is in the air!

pressed flowers

Shrines for auction!

My shrine!
Small window opens, decorated on back
Auction of shrines created by artists to raise money for school children! Michael deMeng and Sara Fishburn are 2 0f the 40 + artists who donated the art they made just for this project!

The link will take you to the site.Even if you don't bid I KNOW you will enjoy seeing all the different shrines!

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's a little early, but I can't WAIT!

Here are the winners!
MAX- Italian postcards


CONNIE-atc tin hoder/papers


CRAFTEEMOMOF 2- artchixstudio papers

CHRISTINE LAUDIG-divasdeste papers

JOANNE HUFFMAN-paperwhimsy papers

JUDY MC(heartlines)-paris souvenirs

VICKI HARDWICK-google eyed journal

NEEN-5x7 sunflower Thank you all who came by to play. I had so much fun and you all made my celebration of blogging along a memorable occasion!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have been tagged, so I have(want) to play!

Go to your computer photo album
Go to the seventh folder
Go to the seventh image
Upload to your blog and tell what it is
Invite seven of your blog friends to do the same.

Well, this goes back a ways...2005! 2 ATCS
Mermie for artchix studio
The bird and nest for "I have no idea"!!!!

I am tagging
barb b
jennifer rogers daniels
joanne huffman
Take your time!!!!
I would say my artistic style has evolved a tad!

While I am waiting for the drawing......

I made this page for my asian journal
artchixstudio images
bird/ scrapbooking paper