Saturday, October 31, 2009


Drawing on Saturday
3 p m California time!

4th and final addition to giveaway!

5 1/2"x 8"
3rd giveaway

Added 5"x7"Shadow box frame
Second giveaway

First giveaway

Thanks to all of you who keep me creating! Those that set up the challenges I love to do and those that come by to leave a comment, thank you!
I thought I would give this cigar box "assemblage" (4 1/2"x 6") to one of you who leaves a comment on this post!
Leave a comment and a way to contact you! You may email me your email addy at
I hope you join my celebration of having fun with my blog, thanks to you!!!!!

Enjoy your halloween fun!

My shrine

blue suade shoes
hound dog

My nightie

Me as a garden ghost!

Saturday workout/ Altered Cabinet cards

This is one of my mom's family, "uncle Will"
Please notice the small cane in his hand and the straw hat!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

One powerful hour/ orange!

Paperwhimsy paper and image
ribbon from Paula's Kit Club

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New garden girl!

I uploaded this 2nd photo. It is untouched by photoshop!!!! Done by human me!
The image below I did with a dry brush and the effect is ever so slight!
Since The images are copyrighted, I should not have published the digitalized version.
They were so close, I chose the wrong one to post. This morning I noticed my mistake and am now correcting!

Image from paperwhimsy!
They have a wonderful selection of images and more!
Photoshop dry brush!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crazy Amigo's! Men

I used a little brush fro photoshop. I didn't need much! One of my favorite photos!
Charles Boyer was probably the "Johnny Depp" of the 40's!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween decor!

Flower bed with Photoshop

By our front steps.

My zinnias!