Blog Vacation !

I am taking a few days off from blogland!
I'll be back next saturday and look forward to "perusing" blog activities for the week!!!
Take care!
P S I MADE THIS PINK in honor of Pink Saturday!!!

Win a spot!!!

Image provided by
Check out the link and you may want to play too!

4x4 friday!

George Wolf Plank
Cover for 1920's Vogue magazine
Be sure and see more of his amazing art on the web!!!!

One powerful hour / Friendship

The little girl with the BIG bow is Aunt Geege(1910-13 approx). It is a cabinet card.
I then cut out a Paperwhimsy girl and glued her on top. I thought the faces and sizes fit together and it could have been 1 photo!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mytimetocraft! Cats!!!

I could not resist this idea!
I am one of those who adores "hello kitty" and I don't know why!!!!

3 Muses! Water

I took this photo a few years ago when We were in Mexico. Did a little bit of P S-ing and voila!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blue Monday!

I decided to take a walk around the house to look for blue and this is what I came up with!
Master bath
I framed a birthday card from the boys which I felt was appropriate in a bathroom!

Living room
Humpty Dumpty
(love that guy!!!)

L R bookcase
Bedroom bookcase
Mom's Jasperware

Bedroom bookcase

Small watercolor of mine
I love Lupine!
for lots of pretty blues!
Happy Blue Monday!

Mixed Media Monday!

I spotted these on friday.
The first snowbells of the year!