Saturday, June 5, 2010

A new challenge and hope you will come by to play!

I set up a challenge blog! I hope you will check out the link below and maybe you'd like to try it!
Thanks for your support!!!


Image provided
The Man in the Moon!
I tried a new to me edit thingy in photoshop.

Postcard Friendship Friday!

A friend from one of my yahoo groups sent me this postcard cause my mama was a "cowgirl"!
The strange thing is the city it's addressed to is where my DH has his business!!

Self portrait friday!

Sanna sent this to me years ago!
"peggy" class of 1924

I had the good fortune to go to this exhibit on tuesday in San Francisco.
I am showing you a few highlights that are

4x4 friday!

Yes, they make a 4"x4" clipboard!
Perfect for post-it notes!!!
Paperwhimsy boy

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Mary matchbox on lower right
Small Frieda charm next to initails

Blue flashlight on your right
Acrylic paint chips for color

Some of you may remember the post of mine a few weeks ago about having the kitchen painted and having to empty all the drawers. I had all these pens and pencils!
I decided to decorate a plain journal with the pens. then decided to add some brushes.
Some broken crayons.
I often start out with an idea and then never finish the project.
This time I had to complete it!
I added strips of some of my fabrics to the rings.
erasers on the back so it could stand on a table!

See the reading glasses in the middle? (next to skull)
the purple "pen" holds the glasses!
Nun pencil topper
P and G scrabble tiles
Moon charm

Eraser feet

I hope to add some art work to my new journal !

3 Muses! Time

I interpreted this theme as
"a moment in time"
Something captured in 1-2 seconds.
Something you treasure forever and is not lost!
Mom and Dad
Yes, they were like this most of the time.I thought their looks at each other were quite beautiful!
I did the slightest bit of photoshop filter on this black and white photo.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Crazy Amigo's! friends!

Image from Laughing Elephant
It has been a favorite site of mine for years!
They have the best books, cards and calendars!!!

TMTA / fairytale

".....and in the middle of the flower, sat a tiny girl, delicate and pretty. She was scarcely as big as a thumb"


I picked everything I could that is blooming now. Most of the flowers are California natives, so they can take the heat!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blue Monday!

new supply of blue fpressed flowers

The rest of the pictures are from my magazines!