Sunday postcard! Street art

Art by Manfred Stader
I thought you might enjoy this site. It is not postcard size and hope you don't mind me cheating by showing this art. I think you will be fascinated!
Happy 4th....and 5th and 6th and 7th...etc!

So Artful!

Well, I just played and played and played with PS!
It might make a nice background for a collage!

Inspiration Ave/ Freedom

Living Flag 1917
United States Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois
10, 000 cadets!!!

photo from Long May Se Wave, A Graphic History of the American Flag

TMTA/diamond pattern

I took a picture of a vase of mine on a silver platter. I cropped it to show the reflection of the vase. Then I added some butterflies, ivy, and roses.
I think it makes a nice background!
If you like it, please feel free to copy and use!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010