Friday, September 10, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One powerful hour/ How I spent my summer vacation!

This was the first summer we did not take a vacation. I thought I would miss it but found that I loved spending time in my studio! Usually I have to pack all my supplies up to take with me and usually forgot something I needed.
This summer I just went upstairs!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I was experimenting with making an atc collage sheet.
This is what I came up with.
If you would like to use either of these images, please feel free to copy and use.
I would like only that you give me some feedback!

crazy amigos!!!

This is the 1st page of the story book I posted about yesterday.
I did nothing to it, just thought it fit with theme. Thanks for indulging me!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Teddy Bears In Fun And Frolic

Edward D Towne
My mother in law had a favorite story book of hers and then of my husband's re bound and gave it to us one Christmas. This is a photo of 1 of the pages with a slight alteration!
Can you spot it?
The book has the most wonderful illustrations. The bears get into all kinds of trouble!

Green paper challenge

I cut out lillian, some roses and an arch is over her shoulder and she is looking at it. I laid the images on paper, added pressed and dried flowers. After scanning I took it to photoshop.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

freebie image 4 ways

same darling freebie girl
The backgrounds are pages from a magazine GARDEN, 1998.