lots to do!


my first time doing 1 of these and I think I'll try some more!

2000 posts and a follower thank you!

Just added a 2nd goodie to my celebration giveaway!
Kit by Anna Griffin!
2 bags and goodies inside!!!!

This was my first post!
This is my 2000th post!
As a thank you to my followers (and other guests) I am giving away this decoupaged 4"x6" box. Something special will be inside, but I can't tell you what until I draw the winner's name.
If you wish to enter
1. Leave a comment here at this post(need contact info)
2. If you have a blog please let others know by providing a link to this post on your blog as well, I'd love to have as many players as possible!!!
3. Thank you for all the comments and the encouragement and most of all, thank your for showing me your art and inspiration!
Drawing Friday November 5th


I am really trying to neaten up so I can find stuff!
stamps and chalks/markers

My pages for a friends book, "gifts from the sea"!