Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday postcard! !

Grand canyon!
cousin?, gramps and grandmommie!
Isn't this the best!!!
How lucky my mom's family took pictures and my mom saved them!

Dezinaworld! special challenge!

This is what I created for this fun giveaway!!!
Check out the link below for details
free collage sheets to use for the challenge!!!
I call this

3 Muses/ blackbird

print background
blackbird photo brush
bye, bye!

Inspiration Ave/Community /BE A SLEEPWALKER!!!

This year I am a "sleepwalker"!!!
click below to see flowers for Cathy!

November 2006
When Cathy and I walked that day, we were slower!!! As we passed everyone coming BACK, we decided we had walked enough and turned around! We were passing the Farmers Market and I said," they have the best swedish pancakes in there!".
So, we had the best swedish pancakes and then continued to the finish line. We didn't set any records, but we were happy. I remember that afternoon we went next door to our hotel and saw the movie Little Miss Sunshine!
So, if you want to be a sleepwalker .....
Cathy in purple sweater