A special gift for Simon!

Cover sketch by my friend Maddy!
Be sure and click to enlarge to see the beautiful, fun and dear pages they created!

Barb b and helpers put together this surprise album for our new dog, Simon!

Simon says
"THANK YOU"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Art Creations Friday!

The Lamplighter!
I did some digital painting.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I am attending a retreat in february and some of us are making prayer flags to display. I don't sew!!!
The fabric designs are mine from spoonflower. Added a few stamped words. Now , off they go to cindy who is sewing the tops so we can hang them!
I'll be sure and take pictures of all the flags together!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Walkin the dog!!!

I had these shoes made by Zazzle!
You just pick your photo and then edit the side, back and trim pattern you want!
Easier than walkin the dog!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Collage Obsession

I added a small diamond earring! I ignored for some reason, jewelry!!! I jut thought the face was so pretty!

Take a word! beauty

freebie image and photoshop
(now off to find the blog site)

I found her!!!