Using pressed flowers!

johnny jump up and forget me not
forget me not
I love using pressed flowers from my garden.
Pansies, lobelia, forget me nots, rose petals, false oregano, yarrow, lavender all press well in a phone book. Then lay some big books on top and leave to dry.
I glue them with diamond glaze or glossy accents glue.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Come by and play!

What I did for fridayfoto challenge!


pastel 7 1/2"x 10 1/2 "
I have always loved sunflowers and paint them often! They are my favorite color palette!

Monday, May 16, 2011

inspiration Ave/ tropical

I started out with the palm image from google. 1 1/2 hours later, the tropical inspiration is finished???

Sunday, May 15, 2011

House markers for Paperwhimsy exchange!

We were asked to choose a house pattern and color scheme and make some garden markers using images from Paperwhimsy. I chose the bright palette!
What fun I had working in the indoor garden on a miserable rainy sunday!!!

If you don't know about this special place
check it out!!!

Sunday postcard! ! DADA

I took the famous painting by Duchamp, "Mona Lisa With a Mustache" and added my own graffiti!