Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday postcard! ! pierrot!

Giuseppe de Nittia 1864-1884
Sarah Bernhardt as Pierrot
I didn't do any altering as I thought it was so enchanting.

Retro cafe giveaway!!!

Designer Debrina Pratt
Check this out!!!!!!!!!
I love all the designs and especially because I can get them printed!!!
Take a look!!!

Some backgrounds for you to use in your art!

I was so intrigued by doing a challenge for Dezinaworld, that I made a few variations to use for backgrounds. If you go to the link above you can help yourself!
Have fun!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whimsical wednesday!

Image from Deviantscrap. A great place to shop!!!

Artist is Clementine(her dog) You can order her art from the link above!