
5 1/2" x 10" envy
The 3 torsos are from Gecko Galz on the challenge site.
I spotted Gayle's design for this challenge and went immediately to sign up!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check it out!!!!

Want to have some fun????
Check out the link below, she is having a
example of just one image
(do not copy image)


Another in my Mt Diablo series!
I will be showing 3 paintings at our local town hall. It is in conjunction with Tao House. Eugene O Neill had a home here in Danville that is historically preserved. 2 performances of his play, Long Days Journey Into Night will be performed at the Village theater and the paintings will be next door. A reception is held tonight and tomorrow for the artists. I am hoping to sell my art for this theme, Diablo scenes.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

4 x 4

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3 Muses! doors

A favorite picture of our kitchen door to the outside patio!