Sunday postcard! ! shabby chic

Girl from paperwhimsy, pressed flower and paper bird, my background


Image from the Land of Nod

saturday jackpot! Bellacreationns Ohlala chalenge!!!

Thank you!!!
An email from bellecreations that I won the drawing for October. I get to shop at
and chose some ephemera!!!!
Check it out!

inspiration Ave/art nouveau

All the papers used are from
It was the first group I ever designed for. Go check it out!!!
I did some cut and paste and then off to photoshop.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Art of remembering!

I hope you all see the link at the bottom of this post and visit some amazing and beautiful photos of what a special celebration this is .A time to remember with joy and affection those who have left our earth to play and shine in the heavens above!
I always say, " the night does not frighten me because my friends are in the stars"
I wish you all the best!
My "home" shrines!

this is 1 of the shrines I made for Day of the Dead. It celebrates women artists!
12" x 4"x4"