Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunday postcard!

I did not post the word credit on my original post and acknowledge
Deviantscrap words by crowabout!

Happy Fathers Day!

Man from Land of Nod
baby from hiddenvintagestudio
lady from tumble fish studio

Friday, June 15, 2012


I finished up my postcard from last week. I went back and began to remove areas of paint with a brush. You pull off areas with a wet brush, wipe brush and repeat until color is removed. Try it on a watercolor, it is a nice way to add detail or shadow!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

haiku my heart!

The photo came from "shadows" on google and I added the pink sky!

Sunset shadows play
trying to make the day last
a little longer!

Go wacky!

A new kit is out by Deviantscrap!
Go to the link below and go crazy!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Take a word / floral

Luca Della Robbia
Italian sculpture
Lileya brushes

summer of color!

I am playing again in this fun color challenge. The link is on my sidebar, check it out!
You might want to play too!