Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sunday postcard!/ nature

My flowers and image from
Fine art design at Deviantscrap

Digitalmania challenge/ I am an artist

image from finecrafted designs/fairy children
at deviantscrap

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Haiku my heart!

A nest being built
2 birds flying back and forth
Bit by bit, a HOME!

Art using kits from Deviantscrap artists

Crowabout studio
Tumble Fish
Hidden Vintage studio
Holliewood studio
Beth Rimmer
Clementine Design
and more designers yet!
Please go visit these awesome artists!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

collage Obsession / tv or film!

We used to put the boys in their jammies, get their pillows and blankets, favorite stuffed animal and get in the car to go see a double feature!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

international journal page swap

Here are my pages, 4"x 6"
Images from Deviantscrap artists!
you can shop here