Friday, October 26, 2012

Digitalmania Challenge

I created this using different images from Hidden Vintage, TFS, Crowabout, Holliewood, and Fine Craft design, all from Deviantscrap

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Haiku my heart!

Just walking the dog
Can be an exciting thing!
Both of us have fun!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cabinet card challenge!

My cabinet card from collage stuff CD, TBS,MVE and Holliwood accents from Deviantscrap!
Hope you will come by and play too, just go to

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

3 Muses/ something wicked comes this way....

Children by Hidden Vintage Studio, elements from NBC and TFS, My sky!

The art of remembering and the art of letting go!

My memories are where I can see them each day!
I have a story of each item you see displayed (kitchen).
Some memories are long stories, others just a quick moment.
Although I have had some sad memories I like to focus on the abundance of joyful and smiling times.
Thank you for the memories, all of them!!!