Saturday, November 1, 2014

Soartful /owls

Our LAST Challenge

I have enjoyed being part of this team to create monthly challenges.

Thanks to all the players for joining in the fun. 

Paint Party Friday

Elvis Shrine

Paint Party Friday: Week 34, Year 4 Check-In

box opened


Sharing my Elvis Shrine that I made in A Day of the Dead workshop with Michael DeMeng.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Party!

I am joint in the party hop!!!!

Most of my decor is from 35 years of collecting and saving. Many of my decorations are quite simple because My resources in the 60's, 70's was Hallmark, Longs drug store and local variety store. I hope you enjoy seeing some old fashioned not glittery decor

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Inspiration ave / show and tell

Inspiration Avenue Weekly Challenge - Show and Tell

This is an image from the movie Black Narcissus. I altered and painted with photoshop. It is a favorite piece of mine. the movie is a a true classic!

SPA orange and black

Orange and Black

Since I am a San Francisco native, I must post this card!!!