Friday, February 15, 2008

Napa Valley Mustard!

I made a copy of a very small photo of my mom, enlarged it, made a copy, cut her and kitty out and glued them in the mustard field. Added perfect fluffy clouds! This was a page I did for a friends RR journal!


  1. She almost looks like a ghost girl. And if you're from Napa than you must know those aren't big fluffy clouds - or no. I bet it's fog rolling in over the coastal range. At least I assume they move in that far on occasion. They often did when I lived in Sonoma. Looked just like that too.

  2. Peggy, I just love this. What a beautiful tribute to your mom!

  3. OH ....the mustard fields are beautiful !! and of cousre the addition of your mom ....makes a delightful composition .... thanks for sharing ! .... all I see out my window is snow ....ugh!


  4. love napa valley anyTHING!!
    but really like the mustard...
    and your jammies too~~
    just catchin'up visiting peg. ;)


  5. What a beautiful picture, the colors really speak to me, they are so vibrant - and the icing on the cake is the picture of your mum I LOVE IT PEGGY


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