Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Spring walk around my garden this morning!


  1. All I can see outside my window is snow. I can't take a walk because the wind chill is minus 10 or something and I might slip on the ice and break something. So...I love these photos - especially the last one with the garden visitors.


  2. it is sunny here so after reading this I went out to walk our garden...we don't have any cute lil things in our yard like you do!

  3. Shining Shamrocks! There be fairies thar garden, cap'n! Will you come help me plant my garden?? You certainly have the magic touch! With art too - I LOVE your beeswax piece! Truly luscious! I bet if I licked it, it would be pretty yummy! ;) heh heh!

    Love Ya, Mama Peggy!

  4. Not fair!!! You're getting flowers and we're expecting an ice storm. It's times like this I miss CA...

  5. I wish I could take a walk around my garden but alas, all I see now is snow, snow, and more snow. I think all that I have accomplished today is to walk the dog, shovel the sidewalk, shovel the drive, walk the dog, shovel some more, and yet shovel again. Wish that were dirt I was shoveling. :-) Thanks for the spring pics. They have helped to cheer up my otherwise dreary day. I can hardly wait for spring to arrive here in Ohio.


  6. THANK YOU FOR THIS BREATH OF SPRING...OH MY SPRING IS MY FAV! AND I LOOK OUT MY WINDOW AND THERE IT IS...STILL COMING DOWN...(and i can hear david saying at that point..."never saw it go up!"...after the 15" of last week we are the recipient of another 5 today...although it's still doin it...out there...piles so high you can't see the cars go by in the street!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR BLOOMS!!!

  7. Yipeeee I found you, and i love your garden Mizz peggy !! xo


  8. did you not know that spirng officially begins iun April...therefore you are not allowed to post spring pictures until then....the rest of us are in a deep freweze ya know!!!
    i wish i could have bottle some of that gorgeous weather in CA to bring home....it was 17here tonight....75 to 17 in less than 10 hours....sigh~!

    gorgeous pics btw!!!


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