Saturday, June 7, 2008

Little Nettie Eddicoat!

13"x15" framed collage!

Image from my friend's family!

Details as to why I posted this piece will be announced Monday the 9th!

My 1 year bloggaversary is coming up AND my 200th post!!!

Check back!


  1. Congratulations on both your anniversary and your landmark post number!

    I try to stop in here every day - it's one of my favorite blogs!

    Keep up the good work - er, play!


  2. I'm Second...I TRY HARDER!! Happy Anniversary and landmark post number. I have been looking at you for the past week. Love Your PEGGY Witherspoon! You Are so FUN. JoAnn R

  3. Oh Pegsters! she is just adorable!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!
    huge hugs
    Patti V

  4. Peggy, 200 hundred posts and no doubt lots of visitors to your fun blog....looking forward to sharing your next 200
    hugs Dawn


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