Friday, September 12, 2008

People who live in glass houses!!!

The House I built in Sally Jean's class!!!!

Here's the story I was talking about!!!!
I found a little leather(2"x2") black photo holder that folded in half and it was tucked in my mom's wallet.
I opened it up and inside were 3 small photos.
1 of mom
1 of daddy
1 of the 2 of them in their swim suits!
It gets better!
Also there were 2 folded pieces of paper.
1 piece was just plain note pad paper.
In my mom's writing,"
"When I think of him I shall smile!"
The other note was written on the back of an alterations claim stub for Marshall Field & Company. 11-10-45.
This note was written in my dad's handwriting. It read,
"I've fallen in love with my darling all over again - it's a grand feeling."
The date corresponds with the month my dad went off to Marine boot camp.
My mom carried it with her all her life. I only knew about it after she died(91!)
Now, isn't that the most romantic thing ever???????

So, I made copies and transparencies of the originals(safely tucked away) and incorporated them in the glass house. Sally jean was so nice about helping me figure out how the pieces would show off the best, but I did it all myself! As you can tell with the wonky soldering(first time). I like to think that it gives it an "antique" feeling!


  1. Lovely!

    Is that solder or wrap tape?


  2. I don't think your soldering is wonky. And, I love the story of the treasures that dwell in your glass house.


  3. Hi Peggy..How lovely to have found those wonderful items, I LOVE your house its fabulous!!!........can you teach me LOL

    Hugs Sarah xxxxxx

  4. How very sweet and meaningful! I love your little house and the story behind (inside) it! Nice work!

  5. Peggy-how nice to finally see your glass house! You did a great job highlighting the photos & message--want it just the best class! jood

  6. That's such a beautiful and romantic story, Peggy. It must have given your mom such a great feeling carrying around a wonderful declaration of love all her life. And I also love what you've done with this. To me the house looks perfect and it must have been wonderful doing the workshop. I've got her book but that is just not the same!

  7. This brought tears to my eyes, really! How very sweet and the glass house is a perfect tribute to your parents' love. I think it's a lovely house.


  8. An amazing story and an amazing house! I think your soldering looks really good.

  9. What a wonderful story Peggy and a beautiful treasure you created! Your soldering looks great don't be so hard on yourself you did a good job! ;-)

  10. Very touching story and you've made something special that will carry the story on. Love the house.

  11. Oh My..what a beautiful story. The little glass house is perfect for this treasure, making them even more special!

  12. Peggy,
    This is just beautiful! You did a great job showcasing your memories!

  13. What a sweet story! I absolutely love the house! It's wonderful!


  14. All that love has finally become illuminated! (pun intended!) I love it!

  15. What a terrific find, Peg! I love that story. *sigh* Isn't wonderful to know that they felt like that about each other. It's kind of nice to find something "new" about them after all this time. Your house is wonderful and it has so much more meaning now!

  16. That is such a great love story, Peggy! And your house is lovely - the soldering is very good to be your first try! Sweet... Joy

  17. I wish we could all be romantics like that!

    Beautiful house to have them in!!!

  18. Peggy.... What an ABSOLUTE TREASURE this is!!! Wow! It takes my breath away. The story behind it is so incredibly touching! You did a beautiful job executing it. Just an amazing work of art and memories!


  19. Peggy, I am so intriqued about the things you found in the small leather folder - I am so glad you are incorporating your parents' love notes into your art!! And the house was a wonderful first place to use these sentiments.

  20. What a wonderful story and a wonderful way to immortalize it. You did a lovely job on the house.

  21. Peggy, you have created a wonderful heirloom...I love it...and I know you do too. It's magnificent! Hugs, Carol

  22. Peggy it is WONDERFUL! And I think your soldering is the bomb!


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