Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow....people in CA!


  1. Very pretty Peggy. I'd definitely bring my Grandbabies over to show them. Gorgeous view too!!

    xo arlene

  2. You actually have more SNOW people than here! It's supposed to come tonight - I wish! Love the photos especially the ones on the crystal vases. Nice landscape outside your window, too!

  3. Oooooo! Puuurrrrrrrrrrteeee! Miss yah!

  4. Hi Peggy. Your snowpeople are so cute, and it looks like you have your home decorated so nice for Christmas. Where do you live in CA? It must be somewhere special, because the view outside your window is totally awesome!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and all the comments you've left. I'm putting you in my blogroll.

  5. ...OH BUT I DO BELIEVE that i need to send you at least half of our fluffy white stuff that is just sitting around on our lawn...and heck i'll pop and send half of the single degree temps EMBELLISH THAT VIEW!!!

    hugz and love!


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