Thursday, January 22, 2009

Turn down your volume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just added playlist and don't know what I am doing...seems a little loud to me! I tend to like the music with alota beat to it!
Let me know if it drives anyone nuts and I'll remove it!
Rather have friends come by than have playlist on my blog!!!


  1. What could possibly be bad about being serenaded by Stevie?!?!

    All playlists are the same volume - each user has to adjust their own volume. You've done just fine.

    Plus, all you have to do is hit the 'sideways equals' icon, and the music will stop completely for any user that doesn't want to hear it.

    But, I don't know - can you trust people who don't like Stevie? LOL

  2. p.s.

    I have to admit - I am a little surprised at your song selection.

    I would have taken you more for a Laura Nyro - James Taylor - Leonard Cohen kinda gal.


  3. Ok, I have HAY YA on my IPod and it's wonderful to run to! I love your taste in music...pretty ecclectic and "bouncy". You go girl!

  4. I really hate any musicon an art blog. I find it very distracking. I just want to look at your work

  5. I am usually watching TV or listening to my own music while using the computer, so I prefer not to have blog music activated. It seems to only have one volume--loud. At least yours is near the top where I can turn it off. Many others have it at the bottom so the only way to get rid of it is to mute my computer sound or move on to another blog. Unless the blog looks very interesting I usually move on. I like your blog and will continue to visit even with the music even though I would be happier without it.


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