Monday, January 12, 2009

We have a winner!

My Alteredart "chix" purse will be going to.....

CINDY POWELL! Thanks for playing!!!

The sunflower picture is for everyone who joined in. Maybe you could use it in a piece of art!


  1. Thank you for the opportunity to own such a darling purse. I plan to take this with me to the library every chance I get! It will become my "Chic(ky)" book bag!
    :-D Cindy

  2. congratulations Cindy !!!

    the book bag is just too cute !!!

    have fun...

  3. Yeah Cindy...wear it with pride! And THANKS PEGGY for the sunflower image. It reminds me that summer is just around the corner (ha)!
    I really like it and will use it!



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