Thursday, February 5, 2009

Story behind my new "header"!

A picture from my mom's stuff! This photo was attached to a note that read...
"Due to the extreme mental strain of an evening spent at the smith's, any of the above models may be located at one of the better known state institutions"!
My mom is on your left and my aunt is on the far right!
As you can see, my mom went for the "basic" altered newspaper...cut a hole in the middle of the newspaper and put it over your head!
Glad you all enjoyed seeing it!


  1. What a great story! Thanks for sharing it with us. This pic is so wonderful. I can tell there was some fun going on in your household! Have a great weekend!

  2. What a cool photo and story behind it! Thanks for sharing it. BTW, the gal next to your mom did a fabulous job on her dress, didn't she?


  3. It's an absolute joy to read, Peggy! What a sweet memory...thank you so much for sharing it with us. Lynn F.

  4. What a wonderful photograph!! Your Mom and family seem to be lovers of fun!! I really enjoyed the story behind the photo. Ann


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