Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cloth, Paper, Scissors 2010 calendar contest!

I am a finalist in the calendar contest, along with 15 other artists. 12  art works will be voted on by those attending the quilt show.


  1. woo hoo! mega-congratulations on being a contestant - and best of luck on being a winner!

    I'm not going to the show, so I can't vote for you - but I'm definitely rooting for you!

    The piece is wonderful!

  2. Oh I agree with Tristan, this piece is wonderful. All the colors and details and a little pair os scissors. Wow!! I'd vote for you if I were able.

  3. Add me to the list of "would be voters"! This is amazing, Peggy! Am wishing you the BEST of luck! Hugs!

  4. Wonderful collage, and great use of colors! Best of luck in the contest! :)

  5. Congratulations Peggy!! This is a wonderful piece...I do so hope you win..I don't see how you couldn't!!
    What an honor to be chosen to be part of the contest,let alone win...!!

  6. How wonderful, Peggy - both being a finalist and your submission! It is so bright & cheerful, just like you : ) lenna

  7. Beautiful colors and so bright...just like Lenna said. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!

    Christy Laudig

  8. So creative and gorgeous!
    Blessings, peace, and love to you,

  9. I've had fun catching up with your blog and want to give you congratulations and wish you good luck with the calendar.


  10. Yay for you! I was going to do this but I got stuck on the theme. You did a wonderful job!!! Congrats!!!!!


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