Sunday, April 26, 2009

Finishing a project I started in 2005!!!!!!!!!

Uncle Paul had these 2 books.
1907  published


  1. These engravings are wonderful, Peggy! When you use your varnish, PLEASE be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area!

    Many years ago I was doing the varnish technique on an antique piece of ephemera (a gift) for my new in-laws. However, all of the doors and windows were closed 'cuz it was in the middle of winter. Thank goodness for my neighbor who rang the doorbell just before I passed out! LOL

    What we do for art! Good news was - the piece was a huge hit! Hugs!

  2. These are so cool! The illustrations are great!

  3. What a delightful project! It should make dining all the more fun.

  4. Fantastic Peggy, making bread pills cracked me up bigtime!

  5. These are GREAT PEGGY!!! You always make me smile
    with your brilliant work! Shine ON!!~~Kathy Joyce

  6. Thanks so much for sharing Peggy!! Your work always
    makes me smile. Shine On ~~Kathy


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