Monday, June 29, 2009

Artarazzi challenge and my first ever digital with photoshop!

Painting by Faye!!!!!

Be kind! My first time with photoshop!
It took me forever!
First to find the program I just downloaded, then to figure out how to get a picture there, and then what to do!!!!


  1. Peggy, congratulations on doing a beautiful first digital art piece with Photoshop! The colors are gorgeous. I love the way the browns bring out the veins and shadows. I'm pretty novice to this as well. I have been trying to explain to my sister how to even get the original pic to the Photoshop area. She has PS but has never even tried to use it. Oh, and I'm trying to explain this via email, since she lives 1000 miles away.

  2. Fabulous effort and great colours peggy. Welcome to Artarazzi - see you next Saturday


    Vron xx

  3. It's great! DH has PhotoShop and I have tinkered with it and all it does is make me mad. There are certain aspects I would love to learn, but I'm thinking I am more of a *hands on* person with art and fiber.
    In other words---I am to thick between the ears and too impatient to learn! HA!

  4. Peggy what can I say other than if this is your first try I can't wait to see what comes next! This is gorgeous, the colours are wonderful AND you painted which is difficult enough to do. So bravo.

  5. Good for you, Peggy! Although PS has it's trying moments, there are some really great aspects to digital art. Have fun! Terri xoxo

  6. Grrrrrreat first effort, Peggy. The colors are absolutely gorgeous. I have PSE-5 and it has been and is difficult for me. I still do most of my work in my old software (Digital Image Pro), and just use PSE for some things. Gradually (VERY gradually) I'm learning more about it. Don't give up!

  7. Looks pretty darned good to me! I'm envious. I'm struggling a bit with Cindy's lessons even though they are very explanatory. It's just getting around in it.
    You did a great job!

  8. Peggy this looks awesome! I think that you did a great job, and if this is your first, I can't wait to see more!

  9. It certainly doesn't look like a first effort. I love photoshopping pictures and can only imagine what you will be doing with pictures of your beautiful garden.


  10. You'll be addicted before you know it - a fab 1st effort! Love the vibrant colours you chose.


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