Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It really IS ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I am going to prove it to you!!!!!!!
Birthday surprise organized by SANDEE!
Each tag celebrates a year of my life with "other" things that happened that year!

65 artists contributed their artwork to make "This is your life"!
I feel like "Queen for a day"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Part 1

part 2


  1. OMG...you lucky girl!! Amazing!!

  2. OMG Peggy....how awesome!! I would have been in tears (happy tears of course)!! Happy Birthday!

  3. Wow Peggy, that is absolutely fabulous! Happy Birthday!!

    Cindy :)

  4. Love it Peggy, I hope you liked my seven year itch and that it didn't offend you! hahaha I don't think you get offended by silly fun, thank God! I have a friend in you! Hugs, and happy happy Birthday! Sanna

  5. Happy Natal Anniversary Peggy!! I always call you the art goddess..but I see you are not just an art goddess, but a friend goddess!! You are a woman much loved and admired,as so wonderfully shown by this spectacular gift you have been given by these artists.The love and friendship you have shown them has been returned tenfold! You are a lucky woman. Thank you for sharing this outpouring of love that you've been given.You are truely blessed. Ann

  6. I had 1951 Peggy. That was the year I was born. I had so much fun making this tag for you. I just know your tag book must be awesome. I would love to see it in person. Sandee is a wonderful friend. Hope you had a marvelous birthday.

  7. It looks great. Glade you like it.


  8. I tried to make you like Audrey Hepburn - Breakfast at Tiffanies 1961 now if I was a whizz at altering as you are it would have been perfect - but the sentiment was there xxx

  9. Ha, I spied mine :-) Hope this gifts made you happy, Peggy - you have deserved it!

  10. This is a spectacular gift made and given with much love that will keep on giving pleasure! AWesome! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  11. Oh my goodness how lucky are you Miss Peggy and look at the number of friends you have too.....and what a wonderful idea for a gift. You are truly blessed my friend.

  12. The book(s) looks so fabulous put together. Sandee is such a dear to coordinate all of this. I had so much fun creating my tag, and I was delighted to be part of this birthday surprise.

    Karen O
    (my year was 1945)

  13. It was such a delight to be a part of Sandee's wonderful surprise for you Peggy! I know we all wish we could have seen your face when you opened this birthday surprise :)
    oxo ~*~ Patty (1982 :)

  14. Peggy this is absolutely AMAZING!!! What a gift to be treasured! Happy Birthday!
    Terrie Lightfoot

  15. HULA BOOLA....you do that quite nicely!!!

  16. happy, happy birthday dear Peggy! I was so glad i could contribute!!!
    xo lenna


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