Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday surprise!

Harvest is the theme for saturday surprise! Since sandy lives in Finland, I thought it appropriate that I share the bounty of the finnish strawberries and blueberries!!!!
I visited the host family for my son's American Field Service in Finland his summer before his senior year in hight school. The family was so delightful and we got to know one another. Several years after his stay he and I went back to visit the family. In my honor, Tuti made a cake from scratch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fresh creme and butter and berries we had picked that day on the fields!
She called it American Flag cake!
When I read sandy' s post I had to find that picture!!!!! Mind you, it took a while cause that visit was over 20 years ago!!!!!!! Tuti and matti and I are still in touch. It was the best summer ever!!!!!


  1. What a beautiful cake. Thanks for visiting me today. Happy Pink saturday love your pink Hello kitty basket.

  2. Oh, wow! What a wonderful story!! Now, that was really something and I really love the photo. Thank you so much for sharing your fond memories!

  3. Yummy cake..I like berries on a fresh cake! mmmm..


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