Friday, September 25, 2009

Pink Saturday!

Going away for the weekend!
A friend is having her Open Studio in St. Helena,CA. Leaving tomorrow to help her and be back on sunday! Here is her website to see her gorgeous art!
I went around the house searching for more pink!

My overnighter!

My shoes
My elephant watering can and pink wind up snail (my painting)
From my mother-in-law.
Another special piece of hers

Faberge enamel flowers (faux, faux, faux) Joan Rivers
Forbidden stitch fabric from china (under glass)

Magnifying glass (faux, faux, faux)
Book on Faberge collectables

Some Faberge eggs, lots of pink ones
(faux, faux, faux)
Collecting for 12 years from Joan Rivers. 4 times a year she offered 3 different eggs in a set(fabulous price dahling!)


  1. Have fun, Peggy!! Love all your pink - especially that plate of your mother-in-law's!!!

    Will visit your friend's sight.

  2. Love the shoes! They look like Dansko's but I've never seen that style. I would love for you to tell me these are "faux" Dansko! (and much more affordable)

    Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Love all your pinks this week - especially your shoes! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. I love all the pinks you found to share with us today. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  5. Fabulous overnighter, fabulous shoes... and oh, those eggs! Are they charms or necklaces?

    Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie!

  6. Happy Pink Saturday, Peggy. I hope you had a great weekend. Thank you for the link to your friend's work.

    I think I am in love with that plate. OMGosh, it is gorgeous.

    And, I love Faberge eggs.

  7. LOVE the pink elephant watering can!! And your shoes, darling, so very Y*O*U!

    Smoochies! Tam


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