Saturday, September 5, 2009

sunday Postcard! School

The first day of school also meant
The perfect lunch box!
What t shirt!!!!

A new year always meant,


  1. "A clean slate" - isn't it amazing how the saying still exists today? Peggy, your collage is beautiful and designed with much love and thought (this is obvious!). I love the richness of the colours. Fantastic work.

  2. I love this Peggy! Absolutely - the lunch box was such a fun thing to get each year- all new and shiny with the latest poular image on it- a lovely entry!!

  3. Well done, Peggy. Yes, every year a chance to meet new people and learn new things! I had only to walk across the road to my one-room schoolhouse and all the wonders it held in store. Nice memories for you too apparently!

  4. Love the photos, and so true, lovely entry

  5. Fantastic and beautiful collage, Peggy! Well done!

  6. delightful collage!

    I remember thinking what good is a clean slate if it already went on my "permanent record?"! How afraid I was of that "permanent record!"

    Poor Molly - it looks as if she had a blank report card. And what is that teacher's first name - Onette?!

  7. Oh I remember those lunch boxes too. Somehow by the end of the year I had always managed to bang it up so much that I was back to using the brown bag but the lunchbox and the little thermos was always bright and shiny on that first day. Love your postcard.

  8. I had never thought about how symbolic the new start..fresh slate plays in to the new school year. So true. What will I do when this last one (a junior) is all finished with school? Her school calendar has been the calendar of my life. Actually I started taking my step-children to school 26 years ago and then our own. Wow..your art and thoughts have made me think.

  9. wonderful rich vintage patina to this beautiful card~!!~


  10. a beautiful rich patina to this wonderful card~!~


  11. A walk down memory lane, Peggy! Great piece - it did always feel like a fresh start, full of expectation and challenge. Cheers!

  12. I always wanted a lunchbox, but my mom wasn't the domestic sort to make my lunch. Back to school, to me, meant plaid dresses, sigh....I still love plaid.

  13. i use to love getting a new metal lunchbox and they had the thermos inside that ALWAYS was broken by the second week of school. awwww, the good ole days!

  14. Love your card Peggy, and what fun photos! I had a red plastic lunch box and I put stickers all over it - the only two I can remember are the "peace" sign and a Leo the lion horoscope sticker...what can I say, it was the 70's!

    Cindy :)


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