Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thank you Betty!

The Splash Award is given to "Alluring...Amusing...Inspiring...Bewitching and Impressive" Blogs...
I appreciate this coming from an artist who always inspires me!
So I get to pick 9!
Steff at
Susi at

Robinsunne at
Jean Marie Lemire at
Barbara B at
Taluula at
Nancy at
Gayle at
Dawn at


  1. I would say the same thing about you! Thank you!

    P.S. double check the link for Susie : )

  2. Thanks for the tip on the link....I lost it!!!

  3. Thanks for the kind words peggy. I always enjoy checking out your latest awesome creations. And now I'm gonna check out your nine that you picked, if they inspire you then I'm sure they are awesome too.


Thank you for visiting!