Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One powerful hour/ leaves

Photoshopped the picture of our crabapple trees!


  1. Very nice, Peggy,

    Care to share the process you used?


  2. your trees are so beautiful

    I'm happy to say that our condo association FINALLY - after three years of fighting - allowed us to have our flowering crab apple tree removed. It was the ugliest tree Mother Nature ever created.

    If it had produced leaves like yours, maybe the neighborhood kids wouldn't have called it the 'witch tree' LOL

  3. Lovely...may I blow it up and use it for the background on my computer???

    I heart crab apple trees my grandmother had one in her back yard and it brings back great memories every time I see one.

  4. Your leaves are so pretty Peggy..reminds me of them when they are first falling happily thru the air.
    Ours are all pretty much gone and the tree's are bare.


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