Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday surprise! More than ONE!

I got this at a free image blog. I went back to 5 of the places I follow and couldn't find which one!
Any way, I loved the design of this old playing card and thought it fit in perfectly with the theme! I did nothing to it!
If you recognize it as an image you posted for use, please show yourself and I can give you credit!


  1. Hi Pegg, Happy Pink Saturday...
    Lovely post. I too love this little playing card. Isn't it just the cutest? Oh so many things you could do with this. I hope you don't mind, I would love to copy it also. Thanks for sharing today.

    Please stop by and say hi. I would so love to have you visit and let me share my pink post with you.

    Country hugs...Sherry

  2. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing. It makes me smile.~Sarah

  3. what a delightful little card. It's so charming, I see why you liked it.

  4. Brilliant entry, Peggy. And you are so correct in saying that it doesn't need to have anything done to it. It is spectacular all by itself.


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