Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Testing the market with digital art!

I am a member of my local art society and member of the "circuit" group. We show paintings at a series of 8 local restaurants and change the paintings every 2 months. I had to ask permission to try selling my digital art because the group does not consider it "fine art". These 2 paintings are 16"x 18". As you can see, I am a fan of LARGE mats.
The nest is pure digital on watercolor paper. I added the picket fence at the bottom

This picture is mixed media collage. I did a challenge for Helga using " brushes" from nature. I really liked the way it turned out and has alot of texture. I added a nest, some leaves and a feather to complete the collage.Next week we change our paintings and I thought I would give these a try! Pricing is always difficult. Both are marked at $70. I want to sell!
10 % of the sales go to our Art Education Fund which gives yearly grants to the art programs at the local schools so they can buy art supplies.
Wish me luck!
Thanks for looking and if you have an helpful advice, I'll gladly take it!!!


  1. Your art pieces are gorgeous, Peggy! How wonderful that you are selling your art! I wish you all the best in your marketing venture...Beautiful art! Hugs, Gayle.

  2. Both pieces are unusual and interesting ... you've just got to hope the right person comes along to fall in love with them and open their pocket book.
    Keep us posted!

  3. Peggy, both of these are lovely! Good luck with your show - I love that the money goes to the Art Fund. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Your pictures are wonderful. Best of luck to you.

    We have breakfast at a restaurant near us and we go specially to enjoy the art work on display.


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