Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunday postcard! Fabric

My mother-in law, annette, was a quilter. This background is made of of scraps she used to make a fan quilt. Pieces from her dresses, aprons, blouses.! Her nickname was "bitty" (4' 11").
So I am calling this 5" x 6" collage, Bitty !

Saturday surprise!

Theme is "family"
I took a cabinet card of mine and added a family member!

Cut and paste!

If I were a collage sheet image, this would be me!

Postcard Friendship Friday!

15 years ago when I started painting on paper I used to sketch post cards for exercise and then color them with pens and pencils. Here is one!

Happy Birthday Mom! Part 2

Thinking of you on your birthday, little one!!!

Happy Birthday Mom!

More pictures to come !

Born, july 9,1914
Pat, me and mom, 1945!
I was the new kid on the block!
My dear mom and dad adopted me at 3 months, that's why it says "thank you"!

Mom, on your far left

Nanny, helen, mary, clare(mom), grandmommie
the sisters

Look for the little girl on your left, the little one
She finally reached 4' 10" and a 1/4!!!!

Mom's on the fence!
Sisters too
horse trainers

Mom and dad

Three Muses

The challenge is surreal!
Paperwhimsy meets Tiffany's mail catalog!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So many of you have commented on the header of my blog of the ladies in newspaper dresses. It was " an evening At the Smiths" and lord knows how many cocktails they had while creating their dresses, but I DO know they had fun!
So, here's what I am proposing! Create a dress out of newspapers! Creation may be life size or for a paper doll. Evening appropriate pants and top are acceptable. Take a picture of your creation (on you or a paper doll), post to your blog with a link to this post and leave a comment here!
I put the pic of my mom on my side bar with link to this post. Feel free to use the picture below if you wish!
There will be 1 design chosen and the creator will win a special prize! Gentleman designers welcome too!!!
Special guest judge, Rice Zachery-Freeman has agreed to view the entries and select the winner. Rice is a well known writer of articles re artists and their work published in various magazines at Somerset Studio Publications and other art magazines!

Rice's books!

Living the Creative Life

Rice Freeman-Zache...

Creative Time and Space

Rice Freeman-Zache...

Design pictures due September 30th.
Winner to be announced October 15th.
All of you who commented on the photo on my header can join in the fun!
I so hope you will participate in this "project runway"!
OK designers, CARRY ON!!!!!

peggy DAILEY gatto


I decided to give this lovely lady a pearl necklace with a beaded flower!

Helga's pink and blue challenge

I decorated 1 of artchixstudio's 1 1/2" x 1" metal shrine charm. I put a pressed blue lobelia inside and embellished with german scrap.

Pages for RR

Heather's theme is "Wisdom you've learned from books". Since I love gardens and gardening I picked one of my favorite books. It is a collection of letters between a mother and daughter in England. The mother is an experienced gardener and her daughter is just beginning to plant her first garden at her new home. Quite charming!
5 1/2"x 8 1/2"
Anna Griffin paper
Transparency of book cover
Paperwhimsy images
My pressed flowers
Butterfly is made of paper with seeds in it and you soak it and plant it in a pot and wait for the flowers to grow! Unique idea!!! I found it at the nursery.
Be sure and click on the photo for details.
I think this is one of my favorite pieces!