Saturday, September 5, 2009

sunday Postcard! School

The first day of school also meant
The perfect lunch box!
What t shirt!!!!

A new year always meant,

701 post! Giveaway celebration!

While I was posting to Pink Saturday, I noticed I had 700 posts. Time to celebrate with this 701 post!
So, I was thinking of what my friends might enjoy?
PAPER, of course!
How about something to keep your papers in?
Of course!

6 pretty file folders for you!

Some pretty papers.
From William Kilburn collection of English floral wrapping paper!
ISBN O-8109-2956-2

Leave a comment, your CONTACT for me and I will random pick someone to receive these goodies.
Drawing Thursday, September 10th!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pink Saturday!

The Queen Mum and I share the same birthday, August 4th!
And she's wearing PINK!!!!
This is a photo from the 90s, before photoshop!!!!
My DH took a picture of me in St Paul's Cathedral in front of a poster display. I added the white glove of Queen Mum tucked under my arm!
Makes us chums ! The scarf under neath the pansy celebrates the 100th birthday of my friend!!!!

In the 70s and 80s, scarves were the essential accessory! So I went back to see what I had 25-30 years ago!

TGIF! Funny Animals!

My apologies to Cat Stevens!
kitty litter ad from magazine
face from Paula's Kit Club

Thursday, September 3, 2009


This sweet image was provided! Added some colored pencil.
I found this adorable scrap book paper(anna griffin) and thought it was just right!!!
I happen to love snails, I think they are cute!

Wednesday Stamper/ turquoise and red!

I took a portion of an old painting I did (copied from photo) and made it into a 4"x4".
The original is 24"x 30". mixed media collage. "Madame Butterfly"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Digital 2 for tues.!!!!!

The provided image I chose is from an old coloring book!
I decided to color with colored pencils, add a cute artchixstudio image and a feather for the hat!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Think monday/think atc / Marilyn!

I am old enough to have followed her career from the 50's! I can still clearly remember the day she died, August 5 th, the day after my birthday, 1962. The year of my graduation from high school.

My Rococo Fan arrived and you must see it!!!!

Colette in Australia!!!!!!!!!!
She was my partner in this swap.
Thank you for your divine Marie fan!
What a treasure I received!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be sure and click to enlarge!

Sunday, August 30, 2009