Two Dog Ranch! Kenwood CA!

Friday I went up to visit a friend!
This frog is just a sneak peak at a magical place!
To see more go to
My Coloring book, just click on the sidebar, My Coloring Book!
You won't be disappointed!
Click on froggy for great close up!

We Dream RR!

Pages for Barbara
"Sinful Women " book!
Please click for details1

My pages for round robin!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Muses!

I am simply going to share one of my favorite books and some pictures.
No altering!
It was my mom's.
I know you will enjoy the illustrations.

DIGItal 2 for tues.!!!!!

One of the images provided.
I made a transparency.
By accident I printed on the wrong side and the ink was WET!!!!
Took a piece of brown card stock and laid the wet side of transparency face down and rolled with brayer, then lifted the transparency and it left a nice impression! It looked like a "maze" to me. I suddenly remembered an "altered" trip I accidentally took a friend on!!!I was the driver!
So, here is what I came up with!!!