Thursday, January 28, 2010

Playdate Cafe!

Well, this is my palette!!!!
6"x6" watercolor/image
I had it as a giveaway on my blog 2 years ago and never could get the winner to respond with her address, so I kept it!!!!

How about the first person to comment and with a contact for me and I will send it to you!


  1. Well...I certainly don't need to count for the first comment Peggy, but this is JUST BEAUTIFUL!

    Someone missed out on a fabulous gift from you.... : (


  2. Awe..I was hoping I'd be the first! :-( I agree with Julie...someone totally missed out..this is lovely!!

  3. Hi Miss Peggy,
    Thanks for stopping by today, I love it when you come over! I was looking at your wonderful family in all the old photo's. You are so lucky to have those, they are soooo cooool & even better, that they're your relatives. LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing them with me!!!
    Smiles friend,

  4. Beautiful colors. Love it. Wish I had been first!!

  5. I was so pleased to hear these were your colours!!! And love your painting. Fancy not claiming this, it's beautiful!

  6. I was so pleased to hear these were your colours!!! And love your painting. Fancy not claiming this, it's beautiful!

  7. Just gorgeous, Peggy! Nasturtiums are just about my favorite flower--throw in some vintage kids, and sounds like perfection to me! So glad you had this to share with us at The Cafe'!


Thank you for visiting!