Friday, February 26, 2010

A bunch of good stuff!!!!!!

This small 2"x 4" glass house was accepted into a juried art show!
I am thrilled!
For story about the house please click link below!

Piece is called
Love Notes
You will understand the name if you read the story posted in link above. I hope you read it!

Gift from my eldest son!
He knows his mom!!!!

My circus came to town!!!!!
I bought this from Tristan!
Isn't it grand!!!!!! I can hear the crowd OOO and awwww as she does her tricks in her glittery tutu on her white stallion!!!

Some how this charming prince came along with the circus!
Thanks Tristan!

Blogger friend faye painted this beauty JUST FOR ME!
Thank you!!!


  1. Hey there, I'm decorating a birdhouse too. Yours is very pretty. And the bioshock doll is uumm.... well it's...umm.... Ah shucks I love it!!
    That little froggy is very elegant and I think the flowers may be dancing.
    Lots of lovelies omn your blog tonight. Thanks!!

  2. LOVE that glass house, Peggy--fabulous! Congratulations on getting into the art show--well done!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Congratulations!
    I remember that house - wasn't that your first soldering project? And accepted in a show? Good on you!

    Glad you like the circus! - and when the frog arrived, I knew he had to go to you.

    Now I'm off to find a bioshock doll of my very own - because it's simply way too cool for skool!

    Lovely painting - so free and flowing.

  4. Congrats Peggy! Good for you, love the sweet little house. Love your Tristan find also. Anything Tristan is a good thing.

  5. Wow! You hit the jackpot! Love your glass house-congratulations on getting into the juried show!! I have a frog just like that!!

  6. congratulaions Peggy!!! i am just so thrilled for you!
    love your bioshock's right up my alley!
    love the circus you got from Tristan!
    the painting is so beautiful and serene.


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