Saturday, February 27, 2010

Post # 1300! I need to celebrate!

Image from
Lesley Riley
Woman's Work C D

Terri posted a picture of a necklace she made and it got me thinking. I have several kits from the French General that are unopened and I would love to celebrate my 1300 post with a giveaway thank you!!!!I started my blog June 15th, 2007! I was at a group gathering and hostess julie was showing us her blog and said she was trying to post every day!
Julie's blog
I was fascinated by the idea of having a place where I could post anything I wanted!
Art, family,thoughts, anything I wanted to share! So, what fun I've had!!!!
I have been able to retell special stories, show some vintage family photos, celebrate happy occasions , share my art, support other artists and post special causes for events that others may not be aware of, ask for help from fellow bloggers in art and life.
I have found that those who have visited me are extremely generous and supportive!

Here are 2 unopened kits, seaside theme, of a necklace and bracelet.
Leave a comment here at this post, a way to reach you and I will draw the winner's name on St. Patrick's Day-----My father's birthday!!!!

Wishing you the luck of the Irish!
Terri's blog


  1. Hi Peggy,
    thats a lot of posts and a cool giveaway.
    Please count me in.
    Have a nice sunday

  2. Wow, what a milestone--congratulations!! (But did you really start this blog in 1907, I didn't know the internet was around then ;)

  3. WOW!!! Congrats Peggy and I have had tons of fun reading your blog. I know you love blogging! What an awesome giveaway and how wonderful to have it on your Father's birthday. I would love to be entered.

  4. Congrats, Peggy, on your 1300th post!

  5. Wow, Peggy! Congrats on reaching 1300 posts! Following your work is such a joy. Here's to many more posts and lots more art!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  6. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I would love to win one of these jewelry kits. They look quite intriguing!

  7. You've been blogging since 1907? Wow - you go girl =)

    But seriously... congrats on this milestone and keep up the great work!

  8. I guess 1907 would make me the oldest blogger in the world!!!!!
    Mistakes humble me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. LOL!! Consider yourself a pioneer blogger! Congrats on your 1300th post! I always enjoy your great sense of humor in your creative art!

  10. You are a lucky girl I would love to be counted in, this candy sounds a fun idea I haven't tried (shouldn't think there are many left lol).

    Love Dawn xx

  11. Oh, my - that is certainly a lot of posts, Peggy! I LOVE French General - what a generous giveaway! Count me in for the drawing.

  12. wow i'm impressed - 1300 posts! i think i'm close to 100!!

  13. Congratulations! And great give away! Hugs!

  14. Hi Peggy,

    I am Irish; my mother was a Cleary and my father's father came over from Bagenalstown in County Carlow.

    I'm feeling lucky!


  15. Wow! 1300 posts is incredible!
    Congrats on this accomplishment. Your blog is wonderful.


  16. oh yes! I would love to win those...I do have a wee bit of Irish in me...maybe I will win!!

  17. wow!!! 1,300 posts is fabulous! yay for you! Congratulations!

  18. Hi Peggy

    I am on post #5 so 1300 sounds amazing. Please put me into the drawing. Love your site!! and the picture of the ladies in their newspaper dresses is fantastic.

  19. Wow I mean Peggy....1300posts!!! I love your blog and what a cool giveaway!!

  20. Love your giveaway items and your blog...and your blog header pic is just the best!

    Thank you!

    tabithalenox at gmail dot com

  21. Contratulations on your blog milestone!

  22. Congratulations! It was so fun to meet you at An Artful Journey. I love your blog!


  23. Wow, 1300 posts! I'm impressed - congratulations! Fabulous blog, and fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance!!

  24. 1300 posts is absolutely amazing! I always enjoy visiting your blog, and thank you for the chance to enter your fantastic giveaway.

  25. Great blogging - keep up the good work because we all enjoy it.

  26. Holy Moley that is a lot of posts! Keep up the good work. Great giveaway. I'm in.
    eiggam 44 at yahoo dot com

  27. Congrats!!! That is wonderful! Count me in! I love visiting your blog for inspiration!!!!

  28. Congrats on the posts. I admire anyone who can come up with something worthy of blogging about on a regular basis. I can't seem to find enough to say online. Now, in person that's a whole different story! LOL Count me in on the giveaway.

  29. hey,Art Goddess..congratulations ..13000 posts !! A lovely givaway...please enter my name! And, thank your friend for introducing you to blogging..I'm so glad she did and you do! You have inspired me to learn more and try different things..THANK YOU !!

  30. A dandy idea. I hope I win one and thank you for the give away.

  31. WOW Peggy...
    Sweetie 1300 posts, is a lot of posts. Oh my gosh. I just recently hit 200 and I will have been blogging a year on June 16th. My how the time has flown.

    Oh I would so love to win one of these awesome kits. Please add my name to your drawing of names. Any one of us would be so lucky to win.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  32. Congratulations on your 1300 th post. Please count me in on your drawing. Thanks for having a giveaway to celebrate!

  33. 1300 posts! Quite an achievement, Peggy, congratulations! Cheers!

  34. 1300 posts! Quite an achievement, Peggy, congratulations! Cheers!

  35. Count me in Peggy! I'm late but here I am and want to tell you , love your blog, your posts, your special humor!
    1300 posts...very special!
    Thanks for the chance to win those sweet kits!
    Hope I win!!

  36. Keep on blogging Peggy, you do it so well x

  37. Wow Peggy, youre 1300 th post, well youre heading towards the 1400 i think now??!?!
    But congratulations!!!
    Hope for you, that you will reach the double!

  38. Are you kidding me?? 1300 posts?? I've had my blog longer - and I'm at about 200 posts. Stop making the rest of us look bad!!

    Or not. I love reading your blog and generally drop by a few times every week to see what you're up not posting would kind of "gum up my creative works" - and they need no help gumming!

    Congratulations on a fantastic blog that really showcases what a terrific artist, and wonderful person you are. You've done a great job building something you should be very proud of - besides giving the rest of us something to strive for.

    You go with your bad self!!

    Thank you for blessing us with your art, your stories, your support, and mostly, your heart. You're a keeper!


  39. Oh - and pssst! You're just supposed to tell people you were ahead of your time. I could have started in 1907 - and still wouldn't have 1300 posts! ;)


  40. I'm countin' on the luck -o-the Irish...I love jewelry!
    Thanks Peggy!

  41. Oh happy st. Patrick's Day! I'm probably too late for the drawing but I love your blog anyway :-) Great picture of the blarney stone kisser! LOL.


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