Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So, I had this idea.

Art Therapy

Unfortunately I have some friends who are very ill. 1 is an art friend of 20 years who lives close by and 2 friends I follow on their blogs and exchanged art with. When someone needs extra care and attention I always tell them
"I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers". So I made a special small box to put a slip of paper with their name on it. Inside the box are some blessed medals from my mom, a special heart rock from my husband, my favorite pressed flowers and a medal of St. Anthony, patron Saint of Miracles. Now I have 3 names too many in my box, but it calls my attention to what is important in my life.
I have the box by my bed so I can glance at it in the morning and evening and give an extra thought to those special friends.
I am not trying to be dramatic or maudlin. Creating this was great therapy for me and some how makes circumstances of life easier.


  1. what a wonderful and lovely way to remember your friends.

  2. This is a wonderful idea and way of honouring your friends Peggy. If you would like, take a look at my blog where I've been talking about Art Therapy and posted my Healing Wishes as a result of witnessing the needs of others through their blogs. I am a great admirer of your work.

  3. What a wonderful way to keep your friends close at heart, I Love this idea!

  4. Oh Peggy! I used to have a prayer box years ago. I need to find it and update it. Such a wonderful way to keep friends and family close, even when they may be miles away.

    Mary Wilkins


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