Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Three Muses / Nature

I chose pictures from my garden!
Mother nature doesn't really need enhancement, but it


  1. I'm so envious of your gorgeous gardens ... ours are buried under two feet of snow. ugh.

    I like the way you've turned your photos into impressionist paintings!

  2. It is fun to play around with photos and your pictures are lovely. I like the idea of what looks like a morning glory flower floating in the air. Great work.

  3. What a pretty garden and I love your accents!

  4. oooh, pretty natural..I look forward to spring!!

  5. Oh wow these are beautiful.
    Fantastic nature pieces.

  6. as soon as I saw the morning glories it reminded me of my Mom's garden...she used to have these over trellises..and it was amazing!!!

  7. Love, love...flowers, Peggy. Especially your Morning Glory. They don't seem to want to grow well where I am now...everything else seems to grow fine. I love gardening. TFS.

  8. you always create such wonderful paintings from what you find in your garden, wish my garden was as exciting xxx

  9. fantastic photos from your garden!
    xxx Susi

  10. Thanks for giving us all a breath of a much-longed-for Spring, Peggy...except for those Down Under, but they're enjoying an autumn resurgence of their gardens, so blooms are welcome everywhere!

  11. Peggy, these are beautiful--Mother Nature is an artist!!

  12. So lovely - especially at this time of the year! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  13. Fantastic photos... just the opposite when looking outside today.

  14. I love that biog flower at the bottom of that first picture. Oh it's so pretty, I wish spring would hurry up and get here.

  15. Your gardens are gorgeous, Peggy! Glad I can look at your art instead of the snow out my window! LynnF

  16. You get some gorgeous blues in your garden, Peggy! Love your flowers - cheers!

  17. Fabulous nature pics!
    Have a wonderful upcoming weekend!

  18. Love the morning glories! Cannot wait for winter to be over--and your lovely garden pics remind me of how much! =) I have morning glory flowers all along my back fence and I love seeing them whenever I get up early on summer mornings to let the dogs out to play while I drink my coffee....


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