Monday, March 22, 2010

Inspirationavenue opposites

Shhhh, don't tell my husband. This is a picture of he and his brother on a vacation at Knottsberry Farm in L A, C A! (50's)


  1. What a great picture.
    Happy Monday Peggy!

  2. how i LOVE this!!!!
    thanks for the glimpse into youth and
    sweet innocence!

  3. Your hubby looks adorable in this picture. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Very sneaky! And very cute! As for my flowers... I didn't make the pink ones. They were made using a sewing machine (which I don't have)... and I don't know what technique she (he?) used. The little twistie one is just made by twisting a strip of fabric and coiling, stitching as you go, onto a piece of round paper (I recycled an old manilla envelope). Then I glued the button on top. I didn't leave enough of a whole in the center so I cut the shank off the button.

  5. I didn't know they had "cougars" in the 1950's!! What a wonderful photo. It's sensational.

  6. OMG - this is absolutely fabulous! Love it!

    Why couldn't I have great photo set-ups like that?!?!

  7. OMG, How sweet, adorable, uhh, manly!! Hmmm! Thanks for the grin... I can hear it now, "I'll get you for showing that." LOL!!

  8. Great picture! I hope your hubby's not too upset when he finds out lol!


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