Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One powerful hour/ alter ego

April 1st seems an appropriate day to celebrate your alter ego!
I have many!
Joan Rivers
Martha Stewart
June Cleaver
Coco Chanel
and on and on!
The strongest ego I have is historical. I just know that I was connected with the Asian culture. Either working in a wealthy household or perhaps a geisha. I am connected with the colors, the designs, the richness of anything asian. I feel very comfortable with culture. It is a big influence on my art.
So, April Fool or not, please show us another side of you!!!


  1. What a very bright and colourful picture!! and a very interesting challenge that you have set...I'm going to have to think about this one...

  2. fab photo - love the image and the colors!

    I'm fairly certain that in my past life I was royalty of some sort...perhaps a king or emperor or Caesar or czar. I feel this because I'm very very fond of people doing exactly what I tell them to do.

  3. Hahahaha...will have to think of this one, Peggy....just too funny...maybe a bit like Hoops and those little guys!!

  4. Lovely China cool that you feel connected to the Asian culture! This piece is delightful & her rosey cheeks make me smile.

  5. I enjoyed reading your ego's Peggy and I adore your girl too!

  6. Well the piece turned out fab!
    do you also love rice and fish??? ;)

  7. LOL! you wouldn't want to see my alter ego. You little girl is cheerful, love the colors.


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