Tuesday, April 20, 2010

3 Muses!

I made this 3"x 5" assemblage for an Ofrenda in Oaxaca for Day of the Dead.
Ofrendas are shrines to honor those who have died and you leave flowers and gifts to honor them. This picture is of vera, an artist and friend who lived in Brazil. She is holding 1 of her favorite cats. I never met her in person, but we were friends for 3 years. I know, that doesn't sound like much time to form a closeness to someone but we really did connect. She died of cancer(3 years ago) . Too young. This was part of a shrine some art friends made to honor those special people in our lives. It was part of a Michael De Meng workshop.
So she had her crown and she had her flowers.


  1. Oh Peggy, what a warm, wonderful and very touching tribute to your dear friend!! It brought tears to my eyes, I'm sorry for you loss Peggy.

    A big hug,

  2. Peggy a very touching and lovely piece.

  3. What a lovely tribute to a dear friend, Peggy. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. What a nice tribute, and what rich colors. Thank you for sharing, Peggy!

  5. Such a gorgeous piece and tribute to your friend Peggy- I love this!

  6. your tribute is gorgeous and what a good person you are to create something like this for your friend.


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