Sunday, April 11, 2010

inspirationavenue Magical!

I created this piece for a swap at my Paperwhimsy group. You were to make a little house based on a character from a children's story or fairy tale.
I chose Tom Thumb.
We are having our kitchen repainted and I had to clean out all the cupboards. I found this butter dish I bought(which at the time seemed like a good idea) and decided it would make a good glass house. I worked on it this last week and just finished it yesterday!
Thanks for a timely challenge to share my art creation!
Paperwhimsy image

Back view
squirrel and acorn from
Paula's kit club
Garden angel-?

Lid off
inside front
tom is wearing an acorn hat
St Christopher medal
dried flowers

Inside back view
flower pot
tiny cup and spoon from my mom's doll house
top of acorn(tom's hat)


  1. Oh, okay! This is totally up my alley!! I love what you have done here and am sure that your swap partners will love it! Bravo, Kristin xo

  2. OK now that is COOL
    WOW tak about making something out of another thing.

    Impressive and perfect

  3. How creative and so darned sweet!

  4. That's so charming peggy and so many lovely details to take in!

  5. What a fun piece and I totally love the transformation to something unique and beautiful!

    Great job!

  6. Thank you for coming out to play with us. I love Tom Thumbs new home. It's very sweet and full of bits and baubles.

  7. ohhhhhhh..just love this piece!
    lucky swap partner....who is it, can I intercept her /his mail?

  8. This is so much fun! I love the way you transformed all of these bits and pieces into Tom thumb's house! It's charming!

  9. that's really pretty!! it's right out of a fairy tale book!!

  10. Oh I love this Peggy - it's so original! Great transformation of an ordinary object into art! :)

  11. who needs a fancy butter dish???
    Tom needs a fanciful home!
    well done! I love it, xox


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